Only complete applications will be accepted. The names of files uploaded into eTRAKiT should match the submittal item, as listed above. Extra verbiage or internal case numbers should be removed. Staff may require the applicant to submit additional information or exhibits, not listed in the table above, in response to unique circumstances or based upon information received from referral agencies or other sources.
- Certification blocks(PDF, 200KB) and forms, when needed, are found on the city website under Planning and Zoning.
- Prior to issuance of a building permit, the required plan must be approved and signed.
- The City of Littleton cannot accept copyrighted plans. Copyright restrictions shall not be included on any of the plan sheets.
- The required page number format is: Sheet/Page 1 of X (total number). Letters and decimals are not allowed. Sheets and pages shall be numbered consecutively.
- The full title block shall be shown and included on all sheets and shall be placed at the top center of each sheet.
- All drawings must be prepared using an engineering scale. Plan sets using an architect’s scale will not be accepted.
- Signatures are required from the property owner, engineer, landscape architect, and photometric engineer and shall be included on the front page of the cover sheet, when applicable.
Jump to Site Plan Set Requirements for Site Plan-Full & Master Development Plan
Site Plan Set Requirements for Abbreviated Site Plan
Site Plan Set Requirements for Minor & Major Plan Amendments
Site Plan Set Requirements for Conditional Use Permit
Temporary Use Permit
A complete Site Plan Set includes a Cover Sheet, Site Plan, Grading & Utility Plan, Landscape Plan, Building Elevations, Site Details, Circulation Plan, Photometric Plan, and Lighting Details. The following standards and format are required.
Sheet 1: Cover Sheet – Sheet 1 of X
- Title block (example)
Lot 1 of Scenic View Subdivision Filing No. 1
SW 1/4 of Sec. 9, T6 S, R67 W of the 6th P.M.,
City of Littleton, County of <Insert County Name>, State of Colorado
## Acres
Zoning District or GPDP Name & Planning Area
Case Number: ____-______ (Revision to: <Insert Original Case Number>, if applicable)
- Include the following certification blocks
- Owner Certificate (property owner – must match title work)
- Community Development
- Public Works
- Landscape Architect Stamp/Certification
- Lots or parcels that do not comply with Chapter 6 of the Unified Land Use Code will require a separate subdivision application to be submitted and reviewed.
- Include the following Standard Notes:
- a. Failure to obtain a building permit within <Insert Expiration of Type of Plan > after the date of <Insert Case Type> recordation shall cause the unbuilt portion of this plan to be null and void, unless an extension was granted.
- Approval of site construction plans by the City of Littleton shall be required (as applicable) prior to issuance of building permits.
- For all future phases, the applicant shall submit a Site Plan of the phase for which a permit is requested, which shall be approved prior to issuance of a building permit.
- Signage shown on this plan is for illustrative purposes only. A sign permit shall be submitted to the city for review and approval.
- All existing and proposed utilities shall be installed underground unless an agreement for placing utilities underground has been entered into between the property owner and the city, pursuant to Section 10-6-2.3.E.D.7 of the City Code. No new overhead services are permitted.
- No building permit shall be issued for the construction of a new building or structure unless the property has been platted in accordance with the city’s Subdivision Standards (Chapter 6).
- All elevations shown on these plans are tied to NAVD 88 datum.
- All required approvals and copies of executed easements, such as temporary construction or permanent maintenance access, from adjacent property owner(s) and utility providers, shall be provided to the city prior to the approval of the <Insert Case Type> and construction plans.
- The grades shown on the building elevations are the same as the grades shown on the final grading plan.
- Vicinity map (clearly show subject site, streets, street names, and other identifying features of the area within ½ mile from the proposed site).
- Names, addresses, and phone numbers of the applicant, legal property owner, and consultants. Include applicable seal(s) and license number(s).
- Include an intent statement and an amendment history, including case numbers, approval dates, and reception numbers.
- Preparation date, as well as each of the revision dates, must be placed in the lower right-hand corner on all sheets of the plan set. Each subsequent submittal must include updated revision dates for each of the sheets.
Sheet 2 – Site Plan – Sheet 2 of X
- Title Block:
Case Number:_____-_______
- North arrow.
- Include scale – engineer’s scale only – (both written and graphic) not smaller than 1”=50’ with 1”=20’ desired.
- Show all property lines and lot dimensions (bearing and distance).
- Label all setback lines; tie all building and site improvements to the lot lines. Include parking lot setback dimensions as well as setbacks for accessory structures such as trash enclosures.
- Label existing and proposed ingress and egress locations.
- Show all existing and proposed adjacent right-of-way dimensions, streets, internal drives, parking areas, sidewalks, and trails. Include surface type.
- Include the lot area (square feet and acres).
- Label adjacent zoning, subdivision name (lots & tracts), and uses.
- Label and dimension all existing and proposed easements. Include purpose, responsibility, and reception numbers for existing easements and include a blank line for those to be recorded by separate instrument.
- Label and dimension all existing (to remain on site) and proposed structures. For building additions, all structures to remain on site must be clearly labeled as “Existing – to Remain”.
- Label any structures to be removed as “Existing – to be Removed”. Separate demolition permit is required.
- Label and dimension parking spaces. Include number of stalls in each row.
- For multiple uses within a single structure, include a break-down of parking requirements for each use. A cross parking and access easement may be required. This parking and access easement shall not be included as part of any recorded covenants; it must be a stand-alone easement recorded against the property.
- Show the location of any proposed ground signs on the site plan. A separate sign permit is required for all signage. Signage is shown for illustrative purposes only.
- Label and dimension all sight distance triangles, see Table 10-1-2-4.1.
- Site Data Table: Follow format and content shown on the Development Tables Templates document.(PDF, 106KB)
Grading and Utility Plan – Sheet 3 of X
- Existing (dashed and shaded) and proposed contours (solid), of not greater than two (2) feet, and extends 20-feet beyond the property line in all directions.
- Label the width and direction of flow of all watercourses and any area inundated by the 100-year frequency flood.
- Show all floodplains and/or floodways.
- Show location and volume of storm water facilities.
- Label and dimension all water quality features.
- Show and label all areas of disturbance and necessary construction staging with a dashed line. Shade those affected areas outside of the lot or parcel boundary.
- Show location, size, and grades of existing and proposed utility lines.
- Show location of all existing and proposed dry utilities. Label any existing overhead utilities accordingly. No new overhead utilities are permitted.
- Show location of nearest fire hydrant(s).
- Include elevations for top of wall and bottom of wall for all retaining walls.
- Show location for all retaining and other walls. Dimension ends and high points.
- Label and dimension all existing and proposed easements. Include purpose, responsibility, and reception numbers for existing easements and include a blank line for those to be recorded by separate instrument.
- Label all sanitary sewer mains and stormwater facilities as public or private.
- Include the following notes:
- All utility locations shown on the site development plan are proposed. All final utility locations will be depicted on the final approved construction plans. Any additional easements granted after final construction plan approval shall require the applicant to submit updated civil construction plan sheets depicting revised easement location(s).
- All proposed utilities related to this <Insert Case Type> shall be installed underground unless an agreement for placing utilities underground has been entered into between the property owner and the city, pursuant to Section 10-6-2.3.E.D.7 of the City Code. No new overheard utilities or services are permitted.
Landscape Plan – Sheet 4 of X
- Label and dimension all sight distance triangles, see Table 10-1-2-4.1.
- Show existing (dashed) and proposed contours (solid), of not greater than two (2) feet.
- All sites shall include a fully-functioning, automatic irrigation system. Include irrigation maintenance responsibility, as a note on the landscape plan.
- Include seed mixture and soil preparation for all areas to be seeded.
- Include planting details.
- Provide a tree canopy plan.
- All ground-mounted utility and mechanical equipment shall be shown on the landscape plan and shall be fully screened from view from the nearest street (i.e. walls, fencing, screening material, and/or evergreen plan materials).
- Include the following note:
If any transformers, ground-mounted HVAC units, utility pedestals, and similar features are not shown on the SDP, additional landscaping and screening may be required based upon field conditions during the site inspection prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy, or final inspection, as applicable.
- The Planting Schedule Table shall follow the format and content shown on the Development Tables Templates document.
Building Elevations – Sheet __ of X
- Provide black and white line drawings of all buildings (all elevations).
- Include manufacturers’ colors and materials (item number or code information on the black and white elevations – information may be contained in a table on the elevation sheets). Add a note to the page indicating that approved alternatives for all materials and colors are also acceptable.
- Label and dimension all building features (building height, length, doors, windows, architectural features).
- Show all proposed wall-mounted lighting.
- Show all building mounted utility boxes/meters.
- All roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened. Show all mechanical equipment as dashed lines behind the parapet wall.
- All vents, appurtenances, utility boxes, and meters shall be screened, or color matched to the adjacent building façade or roof.
- Show all gutters and downspouts, none of which shall drain onto a pedestrian way or adjacent property.
- Include the following note:
The building elevations shown and approved herein shall demonstrate how all mechanical equipment shall be screened. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that screening occurs in the field as demonstrated by these plans, regardless of curb requirements, mechanical plan changes, or other circumstances. Failure to provide screening may result in delay of final inspections and/or issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Site Details – Sheet __ of X
- Provide a dimensioned detail of trash enclosures, parking structures, and other accessory structures. Include all manufacturers’ colors and materials. Add a note to the page indicating that approved alternatives for all materials and colors are also acceptable.
- Provide dimensioned detail of pergolas, gazebos, decks, etc., including manufacturers’ colors and materials. Add a note to the page indicating that approved alternatives for all materials and colors are also acceptable.
- Provide a dimensioned detail for all fence(s) and retaining wall(s). Include all manufacturers’ colors and materials. Add a note to the page indicating that approved alternatives for all materials and colors are also acceptable.
- For Master Development Plans, the Site Details sheet(s) should be used to supplement the plan set and ensure the required content described in the ULUC (Section 10-9-5.7.B.2) is included within the plans, if not shown on another sheet.
Circulation Plan – Sheet __ of X
- Show the planned circulation patterns for automobiles, pedestrians, and bicycles.
- Show loading areas and drop-off/pick-up areas, where applicable.
- Plan shall be scaled (engineering scale) and dimensioned.
Photometric Plan – Sheet __ of X
- Show foot-candles for entire site, including 10-feet beyond property line. Label the property line. Label and dimension the 10-foot distance from the property
- The lighting schedule table shall follow the format and content shown on the Development Tables Templates document.
- All lighting shall be full cutoff in conformance with Section 10-1-3.11.G.3.
- A lighting inspection may be required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Lighting Details – Sheet __ of X
- Include a dimensioned detail for all proposed site lighting.
- Include a copy of the manufacturers’ catalog sheet, product number, and Illuminating Engineering Society of North America type description.
The content of the first two sheets of the Site Plan-Full, as described above are required. The required information can be combined into one sheet, if legible.
1. Title block (example)
________________ Abbreviated Site Plan
Lot 1 of Scenic View Subdivision Filing No. 1
SW 1/4 of Sec. 9, T6 S, R67 W of the 6th P.M.,
City of Littleton, County of <Insert County Name>, State of Colorado
## Acres
Zoning District or GPDP Name & Planning Area
Case Number: ____-______
Sheet 1: Cover Sheet – Sheet 1 of X
1. Title block (example)
Title of Plan Being Amended
<Minor or Major Plan Amendment> <#>
Lot 1 of Scenic View Subdivision Filing No. 1
SW 1/4 of Sec. 9, T6 S, R67 W of the 6th P.M.,
City of Littleton, County of <Insert County Name>, State of Colorado
## Acres
Zoning District or GPDP Name & Planning Area
Case Number: ____-______ (Revision to: <Insert Original Case Number>)
The content of Sheet 1 and other sheets provided must match the requirements of the Plan being amended. If no change is proposed or required for a certain site element, then a new sheet is not required. For example, if there is no change proposed to the lighting of a site, then an updated Lighting Plan would not be required.
If combined with another process:
- The Planning Commission certification block should be added to Sheet 1 with a subheading “Conditional Use Permit Approval”.
If applied for without another process, the content of the first two sheets of the Site Plan-Full, as described above are required. The required information can be combined into one sheet, if legible. A Landscaping Plan, as described above, may be applicable depending upon the scope of work and request.
Sheet 1: Cover Sheet – Sheet 1 of X
1. Title block (example)
________________ Conditional Use Permit
Lot 1 of Scenic View Subdivision Filing No. 1
SW 1/4 of Sec. 9, T6 S, R67 W of the 6th P.M.,
City of Littleton, County of <Insert County Name>, State of Colorado
## Acres
Zoning District or GPDP Name & Planning Area
Case Number: ____-______
2. Include the following certification blocks:
a. Owner Certificate (property owner – must match title work)
b. Planning Commission
c. Community Development
d. Public Works
e. Landscape Architect Stamp/Certification (if applicable)
Depending upon the proposed use and anticipated impacts, staff may require a Site Plan Set or specific sheets of a Site Plan Set as described above.