Starting March 28, the eTRAKiT system—used by homeowners, developers, and contractors—will have a new web address:
All fences require a building permit.
Permit procedures on fences for residential properties differ from those for commercial and industrial properties. In all residential districts, all swimming and wading pools with a depth of 24 inches or greater shall be fully enclosed by a fence not less than 48 inches in height and shall be constructed in a manner to prohibit entry. Fences are required to be separated from sidewalks and public right of way by a minimum of 2 feet. Fences over 7' tall require stamped engineered drawings.
A detailed site plan showing where the fence is to be placed on the lot in relation to property lines and the house. Site plans should also indicate fence height, linear feet, elevations, north arrow, post depth, and type of materials.
Site plans can also be hand-drawn, but must be legible and to scale.
Front Yards:
Side Yards:
Rear Yards:
Sight Triangle:
For requirements: Land Use Code 10-1-1.6C.D.2
Fence permits are required to be submitted through the eTRAKiT portal.
Important Items to Remember
Before digging post holes please call the Utility Notification Center of Colorado two business days before you start to dig at 1-800-922-1987 for location of underground utilities.