Big Things Littleton


Welcome to Big Things Littleton: the source for the most up to date information on construction, improvements, and investments being made in the city.


Thanks to Littleton voters approving ballot question 3A in 2021, the city is making progress on major construction and capital projects that pave the way for significant transportation improvements, economic growth, and innovation.

Projects range from road/bridge maintenance to pedestrian and cyclist safety to meaningful connections among Littleton’s cultural gems. Below you will find a lot more detailed information on projects we have in the works and potential impacts for the public.  

Here’s a look at some of the work that has been delivered in 2024

  • A new trail along W. Crestline Avenue in Geneva Park has been constructed. This is the first phase of the trail along Slaughterhouse Gulch that will connect the Mary Carter Greenway to the Community Trail. 
  • Damaged concrete infrastructure is being removed and replaced at numerous locations citywide, preparing for a project to mill and overlay asphalt road surfaces in 2025. 
  • Mill and overlay work was completed in the Arapaho Hills, Centennial Acres, Happy Homes, and Aberdeen Village neighborhoods. 
  • Deficient joints on the W. Mineral Avenue bridge over the South Platte River are being replaced, smoothing the roadway for motorists.  
  • Numerous bicycle and pedestrian safety projects citywide as part of Safer Streets Littleton, including new crosswalks near schools, speed feedback signs along several corridors, school zone traffic control device upgrades, bicycle and pedestrian quick-build and pilot projects, and ongoing traffic safety studies. 

Safer Streets Littleton 

The City of Littleton is embarking on Safer Streets Littleton, an ambitious effort to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety through an accelerated pace of infrastructure upgrades, increased traffic enforcement, and public education.   

City council has directed the Public Works Department to prioritize and accelerate related projects. City officials are coordinating with Littleton Public Schools to ensure effective implementation of traffic safety measures. Public Works has added two new positions in 2024 to help address the increased pace of work. 

Visit the Safer Streets Littleton webpage

BIG THINGS slated to start soon

  • Reconstruction of the intersection of S. Prince Street and W. Church Avenue, including new concrete pavement, traffic signal replacement, widening the sidewalk across the S. Prince Street bridge, and installation of bike lanes on S. Prince Street from W. Lake Avenue to W. Alamo Avenue. 
  • Updates on S. Platte Canyon Road: Intersections on S. Platte Canyon Road at W. Mineral Avenue and W. Bowles Avenue will receive pedestrian, bicycle, and transit safety improvements, signal equipment replacement, and vehicle capacity improvements. 
  • Construction will begin on the “quad road” intersection redesign at S. Santa Fe Drive and W. Mineral Avenue, to improve safety and capacity by rerouting left-turn movements.
  • Construction will begin in partnership with Douglas County and the City of Centennial on the widening and reconstruction of E. County Line Road from S. Broadway to S. University Boulevard, including sidewalk additions, noise walls, and a new traffic signal at S. Clarkson Street.  
  • Mineral mobility improvements: Construction will begin on pedestrian and bicyclist safety projects on W. Mineral Avenue east of S. Santa Fe Drive, including safe crossings, paved multi-use trails, and buffered bike lanes. 
  • Updates at Reynolds Landing Park, including restoring the South Platte River, making the park ADA accessible, and creating a tubing area for families.  
  • Replacement of the fences on the W. Main Street, W. Alamo Avenue, and S. Prince Street bridges. 

2023 Recap 

It was a BIG year for capital and infrastructure improvements, thanks to additional sales tax revenue collected over the past two years. While the work will continue, here’s a recap of some of the projects that have been completed or are near completion:

  • Construction of three raised pedestrian crossings downtown.
  • Roughly 25 miles of pavement preservation. View the map of the planned streets(PDF, 4MB) and watch the “Around Town with Jim” video to learn more about this project.
  • Replacement of traffic signal systems at nine intersections along S. Broadway, W. Bowles Avenue, and S. Mineral Avenue
  • Hot in-place recycling (a process that rehabilitates asphalt) along W. County Line Road
  • Aberdeen Village drainage, including replacing/installing storm sewer and inlets at intersections of S. Longview Street and S. Lakeview Street, and S. Lakeview Street and W. Aberdeen Avenue.
  • Mill and overlay (a process that involves grinding up existing asphalt and applying new material) in Happy Homes and Aberdeen Village neighborhoods
  • Installation of fiber optic communication for traffic signal systems along S. Broadway between W. Powers Avenue and W. Arapahoe Road. View the phase 1(PDF, 342KB) and phase 2(PDF, 289KB) maps.