Business & Sales/Use Tax License
The City of Littleton sales tax must be collected on all sales of tangible personal property at retail in the city, including items delivered into the city. Shipping and delivery charges are also taxable.
The City of Littleton collects its own sales tax, and a return must be filed even if there is no tax due.
Returns are due by the 20th of the following month. If the 20th falls on a weekend or holiday, the return is due the next business day. Returns must be postmarked on or before the due date to be considered timely.
The City of Littleton uses
eTRAKiT system for Business License & Sales/Use Tax Applications. To start the application on the eTRAKiT Portal, log in (or create an account), then select
Apply for New Licenses in the
Licenses section.

Lodger’s tax effective January 1, 2023
Littleton voters approved a 5% lodger’s tax for the City of Littleton (“New 5% Lodger’s Tax”). The New 5% Lodger’s Tax is collected on all taxable Lodger’s transactions in the same manner as the current 3.75% sales tax in accordance with the Littleton Municipal Code 3-9-3-16: LODGER’S TAX.
The applicable code reference can be found at Littleton Municipal Code. The total Lodger’s tax of 5% will be collected on all Lodger’s transactions, in addition to the 3.75% sales tax. This is reportable on the City Sales and Use Tax Return.
Currently businesses are not allowed to withhold a processing fee (“vendor’s fee”) to cover the expense of collection and remittance of the 5% Lodger’s tax.
Sales and use tax rate increase in 2022
Littleton voters approved 0.75% sales and use tax rate increase in November 2021 to fund capital improvement projects and ensure long-term financial stability. Effective January 1, 2022, businesses should begin collecting the new city sales tax rate of 3.75%.
How much is sales tax in Littleton?
Effective January 1, 2022, the city's tax rate increased from 3% to 3.75%
Jurisdiction |
Arapahoe1 |
Jefferson2 |
Douglas3 |
State |
2.90% |
2.90% |
2.90% |
1.00% |
1.00% |
1.00% |
Cultural Facilities |
0.10% |
0.10% |
0.10% |
County |
0.25% |
0.50% |
1.00% |
0.43% |
Littleton |
3.75% |
3.75% |
3.75% |
Total |
8.00% |
8.68% |
8.75% |
1 Small section of Arapahoe (Littleton Village) also has PIF .75% |
2 *LID - Local Improvement District (TrailMark) .43%/ S Jefferson County has LID.5% where.43% does not apply. |
3 Small section of Douglas County is not within the RTD district |
**The total Lodger's tax of 5% will be collected on all Lodger's transactions, in addition to the 3.75% sales tax
Sales/Use Tax FAQ's
Who must obtain a business and sales/use tax license?
Any business engaged in commerce of any kind, including all service businesses and all businesses selling products and taxable goods, either in a home-based or commercial location within the City of Littleton (city limits map) is required to register with the city by completing a Business License - Sales Use Tax Application. A separate license is required for each physical location where a retailer operates a retail business within the city.
Business establishments located outside the Littleton city limits that engage in retail sales of tangible personal property to Littleton businesses or residents, which are delivered to locations within the city, must also obtain a sales tax license. There is no charge for the Business and Sales/Use Tax License Application.
Is the business within the Littleton city limits?
Before completing the application, use the Address Wizard to verify that the business location is within the Littleton city limits. Many addresses that include the location "Littleton" aren't actually located within the city. You will need to know the answer to this when filling out your application and it will determine whether your application will require zoning review. For questions about this form, contact the Revenue and Sales Tax Technician at 303-795-3768.
New businesses should check out Starting a Business and other no-cost business resources provided by the City of Littleton. For more information about these services, complete the Economic Development Meeting Request form or contact Economic Development at 303-795-3749.
Does the business have nexus in Littleton (Wayfair)
Littleton is a locally collected/administered home-rule city. As a result, the licensing and tax structure may be different than those of the State of Colorado or other taxing jurisdictions. Contact the city Finance Department for questions or clarification on any issue.
The City of Littleton has amended its code to change its physical presence standards, to align with the State Economic Nexus and Marketplace Facilitator definitions. Effective January 1, 2021, the City of Littleton is a member of the State Sales and Use Tax filing system. Taxes may still be filed with the city directly, but the city does offer the option for retailers who file multiple returns to file on the State system
City of Littleton Business & Sales/Use Tax Payments and Returns Portal
Businesses should contact the Colorado Department of Revenue for assistance with their Sales & Use Tax System (SUTS) account:
Littleton's nexus standards are outlined the Littleton City Code Title 3, Chapter 9.
Who must collect the sales tax?
Every vendor must collect the 3.75% sales tax on the purchase price or sales price paid or charged for tangible personal property and certain taxable services when purchased, leased, rented or sold at retail within the City of Littleton (wholesale exempt).
How do I file the tax due?
After you have completed the application and a business & sales/use tax license has been issued, you can file on-line. To file on-line a computer-generated PIN is required, which can be provided by calling the Finance Office 303-795-3768. The city also has downloadable blank returns(PDF, 2MB). The return must be completed and returned with the proper remittance on or before the 20th day of the month following the reporting period. For filing the return on time, you receive a 2.50% deduction (maximum of $100) called a "Vendor’s Fee" which is to compensate you for your cost of collecting and remitting the tax.
Sales and use tax returns may be filed online, allowing payments via credit card or electronic check. A City of Littleton sales and use tax account number (customer ID number) is required, as well as a computer-generated PIN.
What happens if I fail to file the return on time?
Returns and payments received after the 20th will be considered late. The "Vendor’s Fee" is not allowed when returns and payments are filed late. If you do not file the city tax return with the proper penalty and interest within ten days from the due date, (20th day of the following month), a "Notice of Assessment" will be sent. The taxpayer (vendor) then has ten days from the date of mailing to file the delinquent return with the proper penalty and interest, pay the amount of the assessment, or request in writing to the Revenue Manager, a revision or modification of the assessment. If the assessment is not satisfied within a ten-day period, a summons to Municipal Court may be issued.
Do I have to pay sales tax on gifts or premiums?
Any person purchasing tangible personal property to give away in any manner is a user or consumer and is liable for the tax. This includes advertising gifts of all kinds in addition to prizes given in games of chance or skill or as premiums.
What is a "One Time Use Tax?"
If you purchase an existing business within the Littleton city limits or establish a new business within the Littleton city limits, a one-time use tax of 3.75% must be paid on the purchase price of all furniture, fixtures, equipment and supplies made incidental to the opening of your business. This "One Time Use Tax" form will be sent to you along with your license. This form must be completed and returned to the city within 30 days even if no taxable purchases were made.
What is a "General Use Tax?"
A "General Use Tax" is a 3.75% tax imposed on every person in the city for the privilege of storing, using or consuming, in the city, any articles of tangible personal property purchased at retail and not subjected to city sales tax without regard to whether the property is purchased from sources within or outside the city. The tax due should be shown on Line 10 on the front of the sales tax return. A detailed list of the equipment purchased does not need to be included on the return itself. However, a list should be maintained by your business.
Use tax will not be collected or paid on items already subjected to the retail sales tax.
What do I need to do if and when I sell or discontinue my business?
Within 10 days after selling or discontinuing your business, you must complete a return stating the date you sold or discontinued your business and pay all collected and due sales tax prior to that date. Your license should be submitted along with your final payment.
What else should I know about sales tax?
Excess city sales tax collected must be remitted to the city on Line 6 of the sales tax return.
You must file a return even if you have not made any sales during the tax period. By filing this return, a delinquency notice will not be generated.
You must maintain your books and records used in determining your tax liability for a period of three (3) years. This is because in the event your business is selected for an audit, for whatever reason, the records will be available for review. The burden of proof of exempt sales and purchases rests with you. All information provided by you to the City of Littleton will be kept confidential.
For more information on sales tax for the City of Littleton, Colorado, call or email the Sales Tax Revenue Technician at 303-795-3768.
Remit sales/use tax returns and payments to:
City of Littleton
P.O. Box 1305
Englewood, CO 80150-1305