South Platte Park and River
South Platte River Corridor Vision Report (2013)(PDF, 10MB)
There would be no South Platte Park, Carson Nature Center, or the Mary Carter Greenway if we didn't have the South Platte River. We are so fortunate to have a river meandering through our community. As such, we have a responsibility to protect and preserve this river corridor today, tomorrow and for future generations.
The good news is this work is happening now. Convened in 2006 by Arapahoe County, the South Platte Working Group (SPWG) is comprised of 21 local jurisdictions and agencies that have contributed more than $25 million (drawn from the voter-approved Arapahoe County Open Space Tax) for projects that preserve and protect the river corridor, enhance the quality of life in Arapahoe County and improve the natural, economic and recreational features of the South Platte River.
As part of our continuing stewardship the SPWG has released a visioning document outlining future recreational, access, and economic development possibilities for the South Platte River where it runs through Arapahoe County. This report is the result of a nine-month visioning process and a stakeholder charette. The report provides a detailed look at what has been done, what can be done, and 11 identified "quick wins" or projects that can be pursued immediately to improve the experience along the South Platte through Arapahoe County.
Working collaboratively over the last nine years the SPWG has acquired 50 acres of open space, built six new bike/pedestrian bridges, added six trail-heads and 3.2 miles of new trail. The work to protect, enhance, restore and improve this popular and well-loved river corridor continues with this report. Highlights of the report include continued efforts to restore the health of the river, opportunities to create more access to the river and features along the trails, and incorporating recreation, commerce and nature throughout the corridor in unique and creative ways.
We are very proud of our completed projects and we are anxious to begin our next phase! Thank you for your continued support and as always your comments, insights and ideas are always welcome.
The South Platte Working Group members: Arapahoe County, Arapahoe County Open Space and Trails Advisory Board, City of Littleton, City of Englewood, City of Sheridan, Town of Columbine Valley, South Metro Land Conservancy, South Suburban Parks and Rec, South Suburban Park Foundation, Trust for Public Land. Partners and Stakeholder Agencies include: Colorado Water Conservation Board, Great Outdoors Colorado, Trout Unlimited, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District and US Army Corp of Engineers.