The city recognizes that large, organized events, concerts, races, markets, and celebrations are wildly popular and attract thousands of visitors to Littleton each year. To ensure the events are safe and fun for attendees, organizers, event staff and city crews, and that organizers follow the event protocols in the city code, event organizers are required to complete an Event Permit Application for each event or series of events.

Not all Littleton street addresses are in the city limits. Check the Littleton City Limits map to make sure the event venue is within Littleton's city boundaries. If it is not in the city limits, contact the local jurisdiction and follow their event permit application process.
The city cannot issue an event permit for any event in South Platte Park.
Generally, a City of Littleton Event Permit is required if the event is open to the public OR any of the following apply to the event:
- More than 100 attendees are expected; or
- held in a city park or trail, on a public street, or or in a public facility; or
- the event is outside the "normal use" of the venue (such as a bike or foot race on a city trail, farmer's market in a parking lot, a carnival at a church, etc.); or
- the event includes the sale and/or consumption of alcohol - in this case, the event will also require a separate Special Event Liquor Permit; or
- the event includes food trucks; or
- the event includes outdoor amplified sound; or
- the event includes stage(s), tent(s), canopy(ies) and/or generator(s); or
- the event includes a street, alley, and/or sidewalk closure request; or
- city staff time (police and/or public works personnel) is determined to be required; or
- the event includes pyrotechnics or fireworks of any kind.
Before starting the Event Permit Application, answer the following questions, and then review the Document Checklist below to be sure you have ALL documents on hand before you start the application. Some special events will require additional applications.
- Will your event include sale and/or consumption of alcohol?
If yes, you will need to complete a separate a City of Littleton Special Event Liquor Permit. If any of the qualifications listed above apply to your event, the Littleton Event Permit Application is also required.
The Special Event Liquor Permit application is a separate form and must be submitted to the city clerk's office at least 45 days before the event. There is a separate $100 fee to submit the Special Event Liquor Permit.
- Is your event being held in a Littleton park or on a Littleton trail? Does your race or parade PASS THROUGH a Littleton park or a Littleton trail?
If yes, you must complete a South Suburban Parks & Recreation's Special Event Request Form before completing the Littleton Event Permit Application. A copy of South Suburban’s approved permit must be submitted with the Littleton Event Permit Application.
- Are you requesting the closure of any public street, alley, and/or sidewalk for your event?
- If yes, you must complete a City of Littleton Event Permit Application AND submit:
- A street-closure map showing the requested street closure(s)
- A traffic control plan showing placement of barricades, signage, and traffic detours.
- Certificate of Insurance naming City of Littleton as an additional insured is required for all events taking place wholly or partially on public streets, public buildings, city parks, and/or trails. Visit City Code Section 3-3-11 for amounts and other details.
- Event organizers are responsible for obtaining a traffic control plan and renting the traffic control barricades and signs from a reputable company. Below are three companies in the Denver Metro area:
Neighborhood and private parties
Permits must be submitted with adequate time for city staff to process.
- EVENT PERMITS - For events that DO NOT include the sale and/or consumption of alcohol, the city's Event Permit must be submitted at least 30 days prior the event date (or the first day of the event for multi-day events).
- SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR PERMITS - For events involving the sale and/or consumption of alcohol, both the Event Permit Application AND the Special Event Liquor Permit must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the event date (or the first day of the event for multi-day events);
Applications may not be submitted more than one (1) year in advance of the event date. Events that fall outside these time frames cannot be submitted.
The Event Permit fee is $75 per application. The Amplified Sound Permit fee is waived when it is part of the event permit. The Event Permit fee is non-refundable. Fees are due and payable at the time of application. The city accepts two forms of payment:
- Debit or Credit Card — processed through PayPal, although you do not need a PayPal account to use a card. Card payment option is only available at the time of application. Card payments cannot be processed after the event permit has been submitted. The city cannot process card payments in person or over the phone.
- Check (by mail or in person)
Other possible event-related fees, charged separately by each entity:

Event planners are required to notify South Metro Fire Rescue of all special events in the City of Littleton and throughout SMFR's district.
Notification, Inspections & Permitting
South Metro Fire Rescue works with the various event planners and members of the community to help ensure that events in the City Littleton and throughout SMFR's district are safe for all who attend. SMFR's involvement may be as simple as notification of the event, or may be more complex to include issuance of permits, conducting pre-event inspections, and/or providing fire watch during events that include pyrotechnics.
Medical Services
South Metro Fire Rescue (SMFR) does not provide medical services. If you need onsite medical services for your event, you must contract with a private medical services provider.
Some events may require off-duty police officers and/or a private security firm depending on a number of factors such as type of event, number of expected attendees, whether alcoholic beverages will be served, physical location, time of event, etc. In these cases, the event manager will be contacted by the Littleton Police Department (LPD) Event Security Officer with requirements for the minimum number of officers and/or supervisors needed for the event.
There is a fee for LPD officers with a three-hour minimum, and a separate fee for patrol vehicles for traffic control and enforcement. LPD will invoice the event organizer separately for any required security services from the department. Contact the Event Security Officer at 303-795-3846 or for more information and current rates.
Have all documents ready before you start
Before starting the Event Permit Application, be sure you have all the required documents in electronic format. Permit applications cannot be processed until all required documents have been received. All documents must be clear and legible. Digital photos from a mobile device are not acceptable. Accepted file formats: PDF, DOC, JPG, PNG. PDFs and DOCs may be more than one page if necessary.
Before uploading your files, CHANGE DOCUMENT FILENAMES!
REMOVE ALL SPACES from filenames or your files may be unreadable and you may be required to submit them again. If this happens, your permit may be delayed.
Example filename: street-closure-map.pdf (no spaces in filename).
- Event Layout Plan — required for all events
Include as needed: canopies and tent locations, cooking facilities, port-a-let locations, entries and exits, alcohol, medical services, parking, trash, vendors, etc.
- South Suburban Parks & Recreation Park Permit — required if your event will take place wholly or partially in a Littleton park or trail. Complete SSPR's Special Event Request Form. Permits will not be granted for any event within, or going through, South Platte Park.
- Map of street closure(s) AND a traffic control plan — required if your event includes a request to close any public street(s) or alley(s). Include placement of barricades, signage, and traffic detours if needed. Applicant may be required to petition and/or notify all residents and businesses on the street(s) that are affected. Event organizers are responsible for obtaining a traffic control plan and renting their own appropriate traffic control barricades and signage from a reputable company.
- Route map — a detailed map of the route is required if your event is a race or parade. Applicant may be required to notify all residents and businesses on the street(s) that are affected.
- Certificate of Good Standing from the State of Colorado — required if sponsoring organization is a commercial or nonprofit business. Download a Certificate of Good Standing from the Colorado Secretary of State.
- Certificate of Insurance — naming City of Littleton as an additional insured. Required for all events taking place wholly or partially on public streets, public buildings, city parks, and/or trails. Review City Code Section 3-3-11 for amounts and other details.
- Permission of Property Owner — if the Sponsoring Organization owns or leases the venue, a copy of the venue's deed or lease is required. If the venue is owned by a third party, a permission letter from property owner is required.
- Other documents not mentioned above may be requested during the review process. Other documents may include a parking plan, a security plan, a medical plan, a lighting plan for events that extend after dark, etc.
Repeat events in one calendar year that are identical in character and impact on the city may be included in a single Event Permit Application. These events must be in the same location with same times, event manager(s), equipment, logistics, street closures, medical and security requirements, plans, documents, etc. For example, a weekly farmers’ market at the same location could qualify for one permit.
If your Event Permit Application is for multiple days, all dates must be included on the permit at the time of application. Once a permit has been submitted, dates cannot be added or substituted. If dates are added after the permit has been submitted, a new application with the new dates must be submitted, even if the event is identical to another event.
See the Special Event Liquor Permit for qualifications and limitations of multiple events for special event liquor permits.