March 7 Special Election – Ballot Question 300
A. Petition circulators gathered 3,628 verified signatures of qualified registered electors to hold a Special Election , 10 percent of the number of registered voters on the date the intent to circulate petition was submitted.
A. The Littleton City Council was required to schedule Ballot Question 300 for a vote due to an adequate number of signatures being verified.
A. It would amend the City Charter to reduce the number of signatures required for citizen initiatives and referendums to qualify for the ballot AND potentially shorten the time frame for conducting Special Elections.
A. By decreasing the number of signatures required for citizen initiatives from 10-15 percent (depending on circumstances) to 5 percent of registered electors who voted in the last municipal election, it is likely that more Special Elections will be held. The measure would also require that a Special Election be held within 60-150 days following verification of petitions, increasing the likelihood that elections will be required outside of the General Election held the first Tuesday in November in odd number years. Because Special Elections are often held outside of this cycle, they have higher costs and generally see lower voter turnout.
A. Four Special Elections have been required in the last eight years in 2015, 2020, 2022, and 2023.
A. In this case, the estimate is $165,000 which includes printing and mailing ballots, hiring election judges, rental of tabulation equipment, hiring an election expert, etc.
A. The counties have other commitments at this time and cannot assist.
A. Registered electors will receive a ballot in the mail in mid-February. It can be dropped off at the Arapahoe County administration building anytime or at the Littleton Center Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Or return it by mail with the proper postage. Ballots must be received by March 7 at 7 p.m.
A. Call the Littleton City Clerk’s Office at 303-795-3780.