Littleton City Council recruits annually in December and January to fill vacancies on its authorities, boards, and commissions. Residents of the City of Littleton are invited to apply for vacancies by Wednesday, January 31, 2025.
Properties inside city limits will be assessed an annual fee for sewage treatment and maintenance of city sewer lines. There are a small number of residences in the city limits that are also within a sanitation district. Since the city does not maintain these sewer mains, the sewage treatment fee from the city is lower. Additional charges may be assessed by the sanitation district for maintenance.
Properties inside city limits
Storm drainage rates are applicable only to properties located inside the city limits.
Properties outside city limits
Littleton provides wastewater treatment services to most city residents and to residents of eight sanitation districts in the southwest metropolitan area. Properties within these districts are assessed sewer treatment charges only. Sewer lines are maintained by the sanitation district in which the property is located, and that district may bill for maintenance or may have a property tax assessment.
How the money is spent
Sewage, or wastewater, is a combination of liquid and solid wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions. The city is responsible for regulating the collection of wastewaters, as well as its treatment. The sewer service charge is used to pay for the costs associated with this responsibility. Sewer service charges are used for:
Please note that only payment links directly provided on the official City of Littleton website are authorized portals for making payments to the city. Beware of third-party payment systems on the internet claiming affiliation with us; they are not endorsed by the City of Littleton in any way. Your secure transactions are ensured only through the payment systems linked from our official website.
Pay Your Sewer Bill Online