Mineral Mobility Improvements

  • Project typeTransportation
  • Project statusDesign
  • StartFall 2021
  • CompletionPhase 1 – Summer 2025, Phase 2 – 2026

Visit the July 2023 online meeting to learn more about the roadway improvements coming to the Santa Fe and Mineral area

Mineral Mobility Improvements logo

The City of Littleton began an effort in Fall 2021 to identify and design transportation improvements in the area along Mineral Avenue east of Santa Fe Drive to approximately Windermere Street. Mineral Avenue is an important east-west corridor providing access to many local and regional destinations, including RTD's Mineral Light Rail Station to the west and businesses and services to the east. Although the area has some multimodal facilities, such as the High Line Canal Trail and some on-street bike lanes, additional improvements are needed to create safer and more convenient options for bicyclist and pedestrian travel in this area.

Littleton's Transportation Master Plan used input from community members to identify a primary goal of providing safe multimodal options for vulnerable cyclists and pedestrians. The Mineral Mobility Improvements project will use a "Safer Main Streets" grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation to enhance multiple locations (found in the project area map and list below) to encourage and safely accommodate active travel within this area of the one-mile travel shed of the Mineral Light Rail Station. By focusing on providing key improvements, this project will provide safe travel options to regional transit and trails, as well as employment and services to the east.

Public engagement in 2022 helped identify improvements to encourage and safely accommodate active travel within this area of the one-mile travel shed of the Mineral Light Rail Station. Improvements will be constructed in phases as funding is secured.

Project Area

Map illustrats project area 

Project Phasing

Improvements will be constructed in phases as funding is secured. Detailed descriptions of the phase 1 elements have been completed and are listed below and are identified on the image below by the yellow notes. Construction of phase 1 will begin in early 2025 and completed by the summer 2025. Design of the phase 2 elements, generally described below and represented by the purple notes on the image, will be finalized in 2025. Construction of phase 2 is anticipated to begin in late 2025 and completed in 2026.

Mineral analysis results map phases

  • Jackass Hill Road – Enhance the existing bike lanes to be buffered on each side of the street (to be converted to protected bike lanes in the future once maintenance of the bike lanes can be resolved).
  • Jackass Hill Road & Jamison Way/Curtice Court Intersection – Intersection modifications to reduce vehicle speeds, to provide protection for bicyclists from turning vehicles, and to clearly direct pedestrians and shorten crossing distances.
  • High Line Canal Trail Extension Crossing of Jackass Hill Road – Crossing modifications to reduce vehicle speeds through the curve, along with a pedestrian activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon, where lights flash both at the crossing and in advance of the crossing for northbound traffic to alert drivers of the presence of a pedestrian or bicyclist.
  • Mineral Avenue Trail East of Jackass Hill Road – Paved trail with designated space to separate bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • Mineral Avenue Roadway– Enhance the existing bike lanes to be buffered on each side of the street (to be converted to protected bike lanes in the future once maintenance of the bike lanes can be resolved) from Jackass Hill Road to Windermere Street, and encourage bicyclists out of the roadway onto the shared use path west of Jackass Hill Road.
  • High Line Canal Trail Crossing of Mineral Avenue – Improved bicycle and pedestrian crossing with better visibility for vehicles on Mineral Avenue, more clearly defined crossing for trail users, and upgraded facility equipment. (The city continues to pursue funding opportunities for an underpass as the ultimate vision.)
  • A second phase (shown in purple on the map) will provide improvements to the Mineral Avenue & Jackass Hill Road/Long Avenue intersection to add physical and signal timing separation for bicyclists and pedestrians, as well as widening the sidewalk on the north side of Mineral Avenue between Jackass Hill Road and the bridge to RTD’s Mineral Light Rail Station. The emergency repair of the culvert at Jackass Hill Road just north of Mineral Avenue will integrate into the planned intersection improvements in this second phase of the project.

Public Engagement

Join the project mailing list to receive notice of these planned input opportunities and to stay informed about project progress.

December 2021/January 2022 Online Engagement

Comments regarding existing transportation concerns and desired improvements in the area were accepted via a survey and comment map between December 17, 2021 and January 7, 2022. The summary available through the link below outlines the outreach conducted and lists comments received. The input received was used by the city to develop a list of improvements to be considered.

February 23, 2022 Focus Group

A small group video conference was held to present alternatives pre-screening results and gather feedback from those who live nearby or travel through the project area.

June 22, 2022 Virtual Open House

A virtual open house meeting was held to present the improvement alternatives considered(PDF, 371KB) and alternatives screening results. Feedback was gathered to inform preliminary design.

Late Summer 2022 Public Meeting

Give feedback regarding the preliminary (30%) design that will be used to optimize improvements as the design is finalized (may be held virtually).

Other Area Projects

In addition to this project, there are two additional projects occurring within the larger study area. Learn more about the projects and provide your input by following the project name links below.

Santa Fe Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study: This study will identify future transportation and safety improvements for an 11-mile stretch of Santa Fe Drive between C-470 and Alameda Avenue.

Santa Fe & Mineral Improvements Project: This project aims to reduce congestion and improve safety at the Santa Fe Drive and Mineral Avenue intersection by constructing a new roadway in the southwest quadrant of the intersection. The quadrant road concept will remove left turning movements from the intersection to prioritize east-west and north-south travel.

Schedule Highlights

  • Late 2021: Investigate existing and forecasted conditions
  • Early 2022: Develop and screen improvement alternatives
  • Late Summer 2022: Complete preliminary (30%) design
  • Late 2024: Complete Phase 1 design
  • Early 2025: Begin Phase 1 construction
  • Mid 2025: Complete Phase 2 design
  • Late 2026: Begin Phase 2 construction

Submit Comments or Questions

Comments and questions are welcome anytime and can be submitted via email to the project team.

Contact details

Transportation Engineer


W. Mineral Avenue from S. Windermere Street to S. Santa Fe Drive, Littleton   View Map

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