Blue Sage Pilot Project

February 8, 2022 – The city has completed a review of the data and resident opinions collected during the Blue Sage Drive Pilot Project and compiled a comprehensive report of the findings as well as recommendations for how to proceed.  The final report is available below, as well as the datasets and resident survey results collected during the pilot.

For questions regarding the project, report, or any of the data collected, contact the city's engineering staff:

Aaron Heumann
Transportation Engineering Manager

Tim Weaver
Senior Traffic Analyst

Shane Roberts
Transportation Planner

Blue Sage Project Datasets and Survey Results

October 2, 2020 — The city has heard from many Bow Mar South residents who are concerned about vehicle speeds in the neighborhood. About two-thirds of the residents agreed to temporary roadway treatments, such as the options illustrated in the initial presentation, to address safety issues. The city plans to move forward with installing Option 1 beginning the week of October 5, 2020.

Blue Sage Pilot Virtual Engagement Survey Summary(PDF, 3MB)
Blue Sage Pilot Resident Letter(PDF, 258KB)

September 8, 2020 — The City of Littleton is seeking resident feedback and ideas on a pilot project proposed for Blue Sage Drive in the Bow Mar South Neighborhood. Contact City of Littleton Public Works department with any questions at 303-795-3863.

Bow Mar South neighbors, please:

  1. Watch the Blue Sage Pilot Project Presentation video below;
  2. Compete the survey at the bottom of this page.

Traffic count spreadsheets: