Robert Reichardt is the District II City Council Member; elected to a four-year term in 2023. He and his family have lived in Aberdeen Village since 2009. Prior to serving on the Littleton City Council, he served for eight years as a member of the Littleton Public Schools Board of Education including two years as President. Robert’s focus on the Council is maintaining and improving the quality of life in the Littleton community while navigating the changing environment, economy, and metro-Denver region. This focus includes improving bicycle and pedestrian safety and improving city infrastructure, while supporting good governance and transparency. Robert works as an education policy researcher conducting policy analysis and program evaluation for non-profits, school districts, states, and the US Department of Education. His bachelors in history is from the University of Colorado Boulder, and he has Public Policy Analysis graduate degrees from the University of Maryland (masters) and the Pardee RAND Graduate School (PhD). Robert and his wife Amy have two daughters who are attending college in Washington state and two dogs that enjoy walking around Ketring Lake.