Homelessness Initiatives

Blue logo type reads Tri-Cities Homelessness Policy Group

DU Center for Housing and Homelessness Research Project

The Tri-Cities Group approved an Intergovernmental Agreement in mid-2019 with the University of Denver’s Center for Housing and Homelessness Research (CHHR). The project included interviewing adults experiencing homelessness and assessing family homelessness. A final report was presented to the three city councils in January 2021 and are available below, with the goal of better understanding the current situation and needs.

Tri-Cities Joint Council Meeting on Homelessness

Homelessness Action Plan

The Tri-Cities Homelessness Policy Committee has engaged the services of Alisa Orduna of Florence Aliese Advancement Network to facilitate creation of an action plan. With approval of the three city councils, this plan can guide next steps for homelessness services and coordination in the three cities. Throughout January, Ms. Orduna will be interviewing stakeholders and developing a plan in coordination with the Tri-Cities Policy Committee.

July 6, 2021 Littleton City Council Study Session on Draft Tri-Cities Homeless Action Plan

Adoption of Action Plan - Resolution 40-2021

CrossPurpose Career School

Meet some of the people who make up CrossPurpose, a workforce development program that's part of the Tri-Cities Homelessness Initiative.