Right of Way, Sewer, Grading, Floodplain Permits

A permit is required if your project involves construction of a curb and gutter or placing a dumpster in the street. Note, a sewer permit will allow work within the City's right-of-way. A right-of-way permit is not required if a sewer permit is issued.

For right-of-way, sewer, grading permits, dumpster or pod in the street visit the eTRAKiT Portal or contact the Permit Center at permits@littletongov.org or 303-795-3751

Floodplain, Water-Taps, Sewer Taps contact 303-795-3836

Do I need a ROW permit? 

Do I need a ROW permit? 

ROW permits are required for any work or equipment occupying the public ROW, including sidewalks and alleys.  

Do I need a Sewer permit? 

 Sewer permits are required for any sanitary sewer service line repair or replacement. Sewer work may be located on private property, public ROW, or both. The sanitation district issues the sewer permit. To find your sanitation district, use the District Map Tool to search by address.  

Do I need a Sewer and ROW permit to work on the sewer line within the City's ROW? 

If the sewer work is in the City’s sanitation district, a Sewer permit will also allow work within the City's ROW. For sewer work in other sanitation districts impacting the ROW, a ROW permit is required from the City of Littleton.  

What materials are allowed for sewer service repairs? 

Acceptable pipe includes Schedule 40 PVC or SDR 35. The pipe must have 6” of squeegee below the pipe and 12” of squeegee material above the pipe. 

What backfill materials are allowed for street cuts? 

Flash fill and flow fill are required to backfill streets cuts. Native material is not allowed to be used. Flash fill and flow fill must be onsite no later than 3:30pm or after-hours fees shall apply. 

Are there requirements for street cuts? 

Yes. All cuts must be straight edge cuts. Any cuts larger than 10’x10’ must be tested by a third-party during restoration. Third-party test results must be submitted to pwpermits@littletongov.org within 48 hours. Additionally, steel plates are not permitted October through May. 

How do I schedule an inspection online? 

Use the link to Schedule an Inspection. You may refer to eTRAKiT Portal’s Help Guide for Scheduling Inspections, located on the Building & Development website for additional information. 

How far in advance can I schedule an inspection? 

Inspections can be scheduled up to seven days in advance.   

Can I schedule a same-day inspection? 

No. Inspection requests must be received by 11:59 pm on the business day prior to the requested inspection date. Inspections requests received on weekends and holidays will be scheduled for the second business day thereafter. All Monday inspections must be scheduled the Friday before. Every attempt will be made to honor times requested but arrival time is not guaranteed.  

I am doing emergency work. Will I be assessed a Non-compliance fee? 

If the work is emergency work as determined by the City Engineer, a non-compliance fee will not be assessed. Non-emergency work performed without required permits will be charged the Non-compliance fee. 

What are examples of emergency work? 

Repairs to broken water lines and of blocked sewer service lines qualify as emergency work. Proof (video or pictures) is required to be submitted with the permit application to be considered emergency work. The permit application work description shall indicate emergency work; the City Engineer determines if repairs qualify as emergency work. 

How do I schedule inspections for emergency work? 

Inspections should be scheduled online through the eTRAKiT portal. Coordinate with your permit inspector (listed on your permit).  

How much is the Non-compliance fee? 

To A first-offense fee of $250 will be assessed to the contractor for performing work without required permitting. Each subsequent offense of the contractor will incur a $500 fee. Additionally, no new permits will be issued until the Non-compliance fee is paid.

What are regular business hours? 

Regular business hours for ROW and Sewer inspectors are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm.  

What is considered “after-hours”? 

Saturdays, and weekdays before 8:00 am and after 5:00 pm. No work shall be performed on Sundays or holidays. 

How do I schedule an after-hours inspection? 

After-hours inspections must be requested a minimum of 48 hours in advance by emailing pwpermits@littletongov.org. After-hours inspections are not guaranteed to be approved.  

How much is the after-hours inspection fee? 

The fee for after-hours inspections is charged at $100 per hour, with a two (2) hour minimum. Inspections longer than two hours will be charged $100 per hour each hour thereafter. 

How and when do I pay the after-hours inspection fee? 

After hours inspection fees will be added to the permit and must be paid within the next business day. No additional permits will be approved for that contractor until the fees are paid.  

How much is Sales and Use Tax? What is it used for? 

Littleton City Code Title 3-9-3-5 establishes the tax at three and ¾ percent ($0.0375). The taxes offset operating and capital expenses of the City of Littleton. 

What is Sales and Use Tax and why is it being collected? 

Sales Tax is the tax that is collected and remitted by a retailer on sales; Use Tax is required to be paid by a consumer for using, storing, distributing or otherwise consuming tangible property or taxable services inside the City. Littleton City Code Title 3-9-3-1 states tax must be paid on retail purchases of tangible property. 

When is Sales and Use Tax assessed and collected? 

Sales and Use tax for ROW and Sewer permits is assessed and collected at the time of permit issuance. 

Is anyone exempt from paying Sales and Use Tax? 

Littleton City Code Titles 3-9-3-2 and 3-9-4-3 list the exemptions to paying Sales and Use Tax.  

I still have questions. Who can I reach out to? 

Email your questions to pwpermits@littletongov.org.